48 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_MASK 0x0003
49 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_ASCII 0x0000
50 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_UCS1 0x0001
51 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_UCS2 0x0002
52 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_STRING_UCS4 0x0003
63 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_NO_INHERIT 0x0200
65 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_IS_MARKED 0x0010
66 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_IN_REPR 0x0020
67 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_IMMORTAL 0x0040
68 #define KRK_OBJ_FLAGS_VALID_HASH 0x0080
142 uint32_t bytecodeOffset;
206 typedef void (*KrkCleanupCallback)(
struct KrkInstance *);
247 KrkObj * _add, * _radd, * _iadd;
248 KrkObj * _sub, * _rsub, * _isub;
249 KrkObj * _mul, * _rmul, * _imul;
250 KrkObj * _or, * _ror, * _ior;
251 KrkObj * _xor, * _rxor, * _ixor;
252 KrkObj * _and, * _rand, * _iand;
253 KrkObj * _mod, * _rmod, * _imod;
254 KrkObj * _pow, * _rpow, * _ipow;
255 KrkObj * _lshift, * _rlshift, * _ilshift;
256 KrkObj * _rshift, * _rrshift, * _irshift;
257 KrkObj * _truediv, * _rtruediv, * _itruediv;
258 KrkObj * _floordiv, * _rfloordiv, * _ifloordiv;
260 KrkObj * _lt, * _gt, * _le, * _ge;
261 KrkObj * _invert, * _negate;
263 KrkObj * _matmul, * _rmatmul, * _imatmul;
301 typedef KrkValue (*NativeFn)(
int argCount,
const KrkValue* args,
int hasKwargs);
339 pthread_rwlock_t rwlock;
387 #ifndef KRK_STATIC_ONLY
388 krk_dlRefType libHandle;
621 #define krk_isObjType(v,t) (IS_OBJECT(v) && (AS_OBJECT(v)->type == (t)))
622 #define OBJECT_TYPE(value) (AS_OBJECT(value)->type)
623 #define IS_STRING(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_STRING)
624 #define AS_STRING(value) ((KrkString *)AS_OBJECT(value))
625 #define AS_CSTRING(value) (((KrkString *)AS_OBJECT(value))->chars)
626 #define IS_BYTES(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_BYTES)
627 #define AS_BYTES(value) ((KrkBytes*)AS_OBJECT(value))
628 #define IS_NATIVE(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_NATIVE)
629 #define AS_NATIVE(value) ((KrkNative *)AS_OBJECT(value))
630 #define IS_CLOSURE(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_CLOSURE)
631 #define AS_CLOSURE(value) ((KrkClosure *)AS_OBJECT(value))
632 #define IS_CLASS(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_CLASS)
633 #define AS_CLASS(value) ((KrkClass *)AS_OBJECT(value))
634 #define IS_INSTANCE(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_INSTANCE)
635 #define AS_INSTANCE(value) ((KrkInstance *)AS_OBJECT(value))
636 #define IS_BOUND_METHOD(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_BOUND_METHOD)
637 #define AS_BOUND_METHOD(value) ((KrkBoundMethod*)AS_OBJECT(value))
638 #define IS_TUPLE(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_TUPLE)
639 #define AS_TUPLE(value) ((KrkTuple *)AS_OBJECT(value))
640 #define AS_LIST(value) (&((KrkList *)AS_OBJECT(value))->values)
641 #define AS_DICT(value) (&((KrkDict *)AS_OBJECT(value))->entries)
643 #define IS_codeobject(value) krk_isObjType(value, KRK_OBJ_CODEOBJECT)
644 #define AS_codeobject(value) ((KrkCodeObject *)AS_OBJECT(value))
Structures and enums for bytecode chunks.
Top-level header with configuration macros.
NativeFn krk_GenericAlias
Special value for type hint expressions.
struct KrkClass KrkClass
Type object.
struct KrkString KrkString
Immutable sequence of Unicode codepoints.
String compact storage type.
struct KrkInstance KrkInstance
An object of a class.
struct KrkObj KrkObj
The most basic object type.
struct KrkUpvalue KrkUpvalue
Storage for values referenced from nested functions.
Union tag for heap objects.
int krk_getAwaitable(void)
Calls await
A function that has been attached to an object to serve as a method.
KrkBoundMethod * krk_newBoundMethod(KrkValue receiver, KrkObj *method)
Create a new bound method.
KrkValue receiver
Object to pass as implicit first argument.
KrkObj * method
Function to call.
Immutable sequence of bytes.
size_t length
Length of data in bytes.
uint8_t * bytes
Pointer to separately-stored bytes data.
KrkBytes * krk_newBytes(size_t length, uint8_t *source)
Create a new byte array.
Opcode chunk of a code object.
KrkString * filename
Filename of the original source that defined the codeobject for the class.
KrkObj * _tostr
__str__ Called to produce a string from an instance
KrkCleanupCallback _ongcsweep
C function to call when the garbage collector is discarding an instance of this class.
KrkObj * _delitem
__delitem__ Called when del is used with a subscript
KrkObj * _descget
__get__ Called when a descriptor object is bound as a property
KrkClass * krk_newClass(KrkString *name, KrkClass *base)
Create a new class object.
KrkCleanupCallback _ongcscan
C function to call when the garbage collector visits an instance of this class in the scan phase.
KrkObj * _reprer
__repr__ Called to create a reproducible string representation of an instance
KrkString * name
Name of the class.
struct KrkClass * base
Pointer to base class implementation.
KrkObj * _eq
__eq__ Implementation for equality check (==)
KrkTable subclasses
Set of classes that subclass this class.
KrkObj * _init
__init__ Implicitly called when an instance is created
KrkObj * _call
__call__ Called when an instance is called like a function
KrkObj * _len
__len__ Generally called by len() but may be used to determine truthiness
size_t allocSize
Size to allocate when creating instances of this class.
KrkObj * _exit
__exit__ Called upon exit from a with block
KrkObj * _getattr
__getattr__ Overrides normal behavior for attribute access
KrkObj * _enter
__enter__ Called upon entry into a with block
KrkObj * _iter
__iter__ Called by for ... in ..., etc.
KrkObj * _descset
__set__ Called when a descriptor object is assigned to as a property
KrkObj * _setter
__setitem__ Called when a subscripted instance is assigned to
KrkTable methods
General attributes table.
KrkObj * _dir
__dir__ Overrides normal behavior for dir()
struct KrkClass * _class
KrkObj * _contains
__contains__ Called to resolve in (as a binary operator)
KrkObj * _classgetitem
__class_getitem__ Class method called when a type object is subscripted; used for type hints
KrkObj * _hash
__hash__ Called when an instance is a key in a dict or an entry in a set
KrkObj * _getter
__getitem__ Called when an instance is subscripted
KrkValue globalsOwner
Owner of the globals table for this function.
size_t upvalueCount
Number of entries in upvalues.
KrkTable * globalsTable
Pointer to globals table with owner object.
KrkClosure * krk_newClosure(KrkCodeObject *function, KrkValue globals)
Create a new function object.
KrkValue annotations
Dictionary of type hints.
KrkUpvalue ** upvalues
Array of upvalues collected from the surrounding context when the closure was created.
KrkInstance * krk_buildGenerator(KrkClosure *function, KrkValue *arguments, size_t argCount)
Convert a function into a generator with the given arguments.
KrkTable fields
Object attributes table.
unsigned short potentialPositionals
Precalculated positional arguments for complex argument processing.
size_t overlongJumpsCount
Number of entries in pessimal jump table.
KrkChunk chunk
Bytecode data.
size_t upvalueCount
Number of upvalues this function collects as a closure.
KrkValueArray positionalArgNames
Array of names for positional arguments (and *args)
KrkValue jumpTargets
Possibly a set of jump targets...
size_t localNameCapacity
Capacity of localNames.
KrkLocalEntry * localNames
Stores the names of local variables used in the function, for debugging.
unsigned short keywordArgs
Arity of keyword (default) arguments.
KrkOverlongJump * overlongJumps
Pessimal overlong jump container.
unsigned short requiredArgs
Arity of required (non-default) arguments.
KrkExpressionsMap * expressions
Mapping of bytecode offsets to expression spans for debugging.
KrkString * docstring
Docstring attached to the function.
size_t expressionsCapacity
Capacity of expressions.
size_t expressionsCount
Number of entries in expressions.
KrkValueArray keywordArgNames
Array of names for keyword-only arguments (and **kwargs)
KrkCodeObject * krk_newCodeObject(void)
Create a new, uninitialized code object.
size_t localNameCount
Number of entries in localNames.
KrkString * name
Name of the function.
size_t overlongJumpsCapacity
Number of possible entries in pessimal jump table.
unsigned short totalArguments
Total argument cells we can fill in complex argument processing.
KrkString * qualname
The dotted name of the function.
KrkTable entries
The actual table of values in the dict.
Map entry of opcode offsets to expressions spans.
KrkInstance * krk_newInstance(KrkClass *_class)
Create a new instance of the given class.
KrkTable fields
Attributes table.
KrkValueArray values
Stores the length, capacity, and actual values of the list.
Metadata on a local variable name in a function.
size_t birthday
Instruction offset that this local name became valid on.
KrkString * name
Name of the local.
size_t id
Local ID as used by opcodes; offset from the frame's stack base.
size_t deathday
Instruction offset that this local name becomes invalid on.
Representation of a loaded module.
Managed binding to a C function.
const char * doc
Docstring to supply from __doc__.
const char * name
Name to use when repring.
KrkNative * krk_newNative(NativeFn function, const char *name, int type)
Create a native function binding object.
The most basic object type.
uint32_t hash
Cached hash value for table keys.
uint16_t flags
General object flags, mostly related to garbage collection.
uint16_t type
Tag indicating core type.
struct KrkObj * next
Invasive linked list of all objects in the VM.
uint16_t intendedTarget
High bytes of the intended target.
uint8_t originalOpcode
Original jump opcode to execute.
uint32_t instructionOffset
Instruction (operand offset) this jump target applies to.
Immutable sequence of Unicode codepoints.
uint32_t krk_unicodeCodepoint(KrkString *string, size_t index)
Obtain the codepoint at a given index in a string.
void * krk_unicodeString(KrkString *string)
Ensure that a codepoint representation of a string is available.
KrkString * krk_copyString(const char *chars, size_t length)
Obtain a string object representation of the given C string.
KrkString * krk_takeString(char *chars, size_t length)
Yield ownership of a C string to the GC and obtain a string object.
size_t codesLength
String length in Unicode codepoints.
char * chars
UTF8 canonical data.
void * codes
Codepoint data.
size_t length
String length in bytes.
KrkString * krk_takeStringVetted(char *chars, size_t length, size_t codesLength, KrkStringType type, uint32_t hash)
Like krk_takeString but for when the caller has already calculated code lengths, hash,...
size_t krk_codepointToBytes(krk_integer_type value, unsigned char *out)
Convert an integer codepoint to a UTF-8 byte representation.
Simple hash table of arbitrary keys to values.
Execution state of a VM thread.
Immutable sequence of arbitrary values.
KrkValueArray values
Stores the length, capacity, and actual values of the tuple.
KrkTuple * krk_newTuple(size_t length)
Create a new tuple.
Storage for values referenced from nested functions.
int location
Stack offset or -1 if closed.
KrkValue closed
Heap storage for closed value.
struct KrkThreadState * owner
The thread that owns the stack this upvalue belongs in.
struct KrkUpvalue * next
Invasive linked list pointer to next upvalue.
KrkUpvalue * krk_newUpvalue(int slot)
Create an upvalue slot.
Flexible vector of stack references.
Stack reference or primative value.
Implementation of a generic hash table.
Definitions for primitive stack references.