Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBaseClassesTable of classes for built-in object types
 CChunkRecorderBytecode emitter backtracking breadcrumb
 CClassCompilerClass compilation context
 CCompilerSubcompiler state
 CDirectoryOBject for a C DIR* stream
 CExceptionsTable of basic exception types
 CFileObject for a C FILE* stream
 CgeneratorGenerator object implementation
 CIndexWithNextLinked list of indices
 CKrkBoundMethodA function that has been attached to an object to serve as a method
 CKrkBytesImmutable sequence of bytes
 CKrkCallFrameRepresents a managed call state in a VM thread
 CKrkChunkOpcode chunk of a code object
 CKrkClassType object
 CKrkClosureFunction object
 CKrkCodeObjectCode object
 CKrkDictFlexible mapping type
 CKrkExpressionsMapMap entry of opcode offsets to expressions spans
 CKrkInstanceAn object of a class
 CKrkLineMapMap entry of instruction offsets to line numbers
 CKrkListMutable array of values
 CKrkLocalEntryMetadata on a local variable name in a function
 CKrkModuleRepresentation of a loaded module
 CKrkNativeManaged binding to a C function
 CKrkObjThe most basic object type
 CKrkScannerToken scanner state
 CKrkStringImmutable sequence of Unicode codepoints
 CKrkTableSimple hash table of arbitrary keys to values
 CKrkTableEntryOne (key,value) pair in a table
 CKrkThreadStateExecution state of a VM thread
 CKrkTokenA token from the scanner
 CKrkTupleImmutable sequence of arbitrary values
 CKrkUpvalueStorage for values referenced from nested functions
 CKrkValueStack reference or primative value
 CKrkValueArrayFlexible vector of stack references
 CKrkVMGlobal VM state
 CLocalLocal variable reference
 CLockSimple atomic structure for waiting
 CLoopExitTracks 'break' and 'continue' statements
 CParserToken parser state
 CParseRuleParse rule table entry
 CRangerange object
 CRewindStateCompiler emit and parse state prior to this expression
 CSetMutable unordered set of values
 CSetIteratorIterator over the values in a set
 CStringBuilderInline flexible string array
 CThreadObject representation of a system thread
 CTupleIterIterator over the values in a tuple
 CUpvalueClosure upvalue reference