
Provides timekeeping functions.


_class struct_time(object)

Time value returned by various functions.

_let x = struct_time(iterable: tuple)

struct_time.__init__(iterable: tuple)

Create a struct_time from a 9-tuple of int values. The format of iterable is (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst).

_property struct_time.tm_hour

Clock hour, [0, 23]

_property struct_time.tm_isdst

0, 1, -1 for unknown

_property struct_time.tm_mday

Day of the month, [1, 31]

_property struct_time.tm_min

Clock minute, [0, 59]

_property struct_time.tm_mon

Month, [1, 12]

_property struct_time.tm_sec

Clock seconds, [0, 61] (maybe, due to leap seconds, depends on platform)

_property struct_time.tm_wday

Day of week, [0, 6], 0 is Monday.

_property struct_time.tm_yday

Day of year [1, 366]

_property struct_time.tm_year

Calendar year



Convert time to string.

If t is not provided, the current localtime is used.


Convert seconds since epoch to string.

If secs is not provided, the current time is used.


Convert seconds since epoch to UTC time.

If secs is not provided, the current time is used.


Convert seconds since epoch to local time.

If seconds is not provided, the current time is used.


Convert from local time to seconds since epoch.

For compatibility with time a float is returned.


Pause execution of the current thread.

Uses the system usleep() function to sleep for secs seconds, which may be a float or int. The available precision is platform-dependent.


Format time string with system function.

Uses the system strftime C function to convert a struct_time to a string. If t is not provided, the current localtime is used.


Return the elapsed seconds since the system epoch.

Returns a float representation of the number of seconds since the platform's epoch date. On POSIX platforms, this is the number of seconds since 1 January 1970. The precision of the return value is platform-dependent.