
Provides access to low-level system operations.


_class stat_result(object)



Abort the current process.

This will exit the interpreter without calling cleanup routines.


Determine if a file can be accessed.

Use the values F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, and X_OK to construct mask and check if the current process has sufficient access rights to perform the requested operations on the file at path.


Change the current working directory.

Attempts to change the working directory to newcwd. Raises OSError on failure.


Close an open file descriptor.


Duplicate a file descriptor.

Returns a new file descriptor pointing to the same file as fd.


Duplicate a file descriptor.

Like dup but the new file descriptor is placed at newfd.


Replace the current process.

The exec* family of functions replaces the calling process's image with a new one. execl takes a path to a binary and an arbitrary number of str arguments to pass to the new executable.


Replace the current process.

The exec* family of functions replaces the calling process's image with a new one. execle takes a path to a binary, an arbitrary number of str arguments to pass to the new executable, and list of 'KEY=VALUE' pairs to set as the new environment.


Replace the current process.

The exec* family of functions replaces the calling process's image with a new one. execlp takes a filename of a binary and an arbitrary number of str arguments to pass to the new executable. filename will be searched for in $PATH.


Replace the current process.

The exec* family of functions replaces the calling process's image with a new one. execv takes a path to a binary and a list args of str arguments to pass to the new executable.


Replace the current process.

The exec* family of functions replaces the calling process's image with a new one. execvp takes a filename of a binary and a list args of str arguments to pass to the new executable. filename will be searched for in $PATH.


Exit the current process.

This will exit the interpreter without calling cleanup routines.


Fork the current process.

Returns the PID of the new child process in the original process and 0 in the child.


Obtain the size of the terminal window. Obtain the size of the host terminal as a tuple of columns and lines.


Get the name of the current working directory.


Obtain the system process identifier.


Determine if a file descriptor is a terminal.

Returns a bool indicating whether the open file descriptor fd refers to a terminal.


Send a signal to a process.

Send the signal signum to the process at pid.


Seek an open file descriptor.

Seeks the open file descriptor fd by pos bytes as specified in how. Use the values SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END for how.


Create a directory.

Creates a directory at path.


Open a file.

Opens the file at path with the specified flags and mode. Returns a file descriptor.

Not to be confused with fileio.open


Create a pipe.

Creates a pipe, returning a two-tuple of file descriptors for the read and write ends respectively.


Read from an open file descriptor.

Reads at most n bytes from the open file descriptor fd.


Delete a file.

Attempts to delete the file at path.


Get the status of a file

Runs the stat system call on path. Returns a stat_result.


Convert an integer error code to a string.

Provides the string description for the error code specified by errorno.


Create a symbolic link.

Creates a symbolic link at src pointing to dst.


Call the system shell.

Runs cmd using the system shell and returns the platform-dependent return value.


Get the terminal foreground process group.

Return the PID representing the foreground process group of the terminal specified by the file descriptor fd.


Set the terminal foreground process group.

Set the PID representing the foreground process group of the terminal specified by the file descriptor fd to pgrp.


Resize a file.

Attempts to resize the file at path to length bytes.


Get the path to a terminal device.

Returns a str representing the path to the terminal device provided by the file descriptor fd.


Returns a dict of attributes describing the current platform.

On POSIX platforms, the result should match the contents and layout of a standard uname() call. On Windows, values are synthesized from available information.


Write to an open file descriptor.

Writes the bytes object data to the open file descriptor fd.


let F_OK = 0

let O_APPEND = 1024

let O_CLOEXEC = 524288

let O_CREAT = 64

let O_DIRECTORY = 65536

let O_EXCL = 128

let O_NOFOLLOW = 131072

let O_NONBLOCK = 2048

let O_RDONLY = 0

let O_RDWR = 2

let O_TRUNC = 512

let O_WRONLY = 1

let R_OK = 4

let SEEK_CUR = 1

let SEEK_END = 2

let SEEK_SET = 0

let W_OK = 2

let X_OK = 1

let altsep = None

let curdir = '.'

let devnull = '/dev/null'

let extsep = '.'

let linesep = '\n'

let name = 'posix'

let pardir = '..'

let pathsep = ':'

let sep = '/'

Other Members

let environ = _Environ